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Successful Slumber

Are you one that needs to do everything? Staying active, eating well, and living life to the...

Calming a Cough

It’s officially winter on December 21. A bonus day! It’s the shortest day of the year—but the very...

The Power of Peppermint

Peppermint mocha, peppermint fudge, and the cool, refreshing scent of peppermint candles are sights...

Nutritional Nuance

One minute everyone is avoiding fat, the next they’re avoiding carbs. You’ve also probably heard...

Mosquito Mayhem

It’s mosquito season, and it’s a robust one. Besides an annoying itchy bite, mosquitoes carry...


The Cranberry Craze

Their color is gorgeous. Their taste is explosive. Cranberries are vibrant, tangy berries acting...

Diets are Temporary

Who isn’t guilty of attempting a restrictive diet to lose a few unwanted pounds? I am here to tell...

Sun Smarter not Harder

Summer is here and the sun is closer and brighter. After the dark and cold Midwest winter, we all...

The Football Blues

As the end of the football season hit many of us harshly with our team yet again missing the chance...

The Benefits of Yoga

Have you ever thought about doing yoga but have doubts about starting? In this blog, I will explain...

Step Up!

First, let’s talk about some of the benefits of walking! Walking is a form of exercise available to...

Am I Overtraining?

Am I Overtraining?

One of my favorite pieces of advice in the fitness realm is that exercising too much can be just as...